So #runchat is encouraging us all to share what we love about running for Valentine's Day (I can pretty honestly say that running was one of my first true loves!). Here goes:
1. Running is good for the body. I love the physical benefits I get from running. Helps me meet my cardio requirements and stay fit.
2. Running is good for the mind. I have experienced the "runners high" several times, if not every time I have run. Endorphins are released from the pituitary gland during strenuous exercise, which results in a state of euphoria which leaves you feeling motivated and energized.
3. Running is good for the soul. Taking time out of the day to reflect and be by myself is a necessity. This is my meditation time, and a time to reflect and sort through this crazy life.
4. Running is a good way to experience the outdoors. I am an outdoor sport junkie. My favorite runs are outside, whether it be around a city park, or on a secluded trail.
5. Running is a great way to meet people. Runners are a great group of people. It's also great to motivate others, or to be motivated by others, to go for a run.
6. Running is an achievement. Not everyone can run. Not everyone can run fast. I myself am pretty competitive, so this is a great way for me to win something.
7. You get better at running as you get older. Well, from what I understand it looks more like a bell curve, peaking at around age 40-45. This has been incredibly motivating to me to keep at it - keep increasing my distance and speed. And I seem to get better every year.
8. Running is cheap. Especially in the summer time. Sports bra, tank, and a good pair of shoes are the basics. Even the extras (nice socks, radio, gps, etc) I usually find I have for other reasons.
9. Running isn't pretentious (at least that I've encountered). Unlike other sports (you know who you are), runners are real, everyday people. They're not uber cool and unapproachable. There are so many different levels of runners. I go out in my bare bones shoes, my running shorts from high school (yes they still fit), and race shirts I've gotten, and am a-ok.
10. Running encourages a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle. So, you can't sit around and eat fast food all day and expect to be motivated to run. To be successful, you have to be well hydrated, and well fueled. I am not the best at either, but the fact that I have a run scheduled encourages me to eat and drink healthy.
So, there you have it. I am a runner, and always will be. I hope this encourages others to get out there and do it!
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