Thursday, November 15, 2012

Giving Back

Giving back, paying it forward, charity. It makes you feel good. Now is certainly the time of year when it's seems easier to do. There's opportunities-a-plenty to give to food banks, toy donation centers, families in need at the holiday season.

Why do people freely engage in these activities? Is there true altruism? Do people actually give and expect nothing (nada, nilch, zippo) in return? I would argue that the feeling you get when you do negates this proposition. Whether this feeling is: pride, accomplishment, warm and fuzzy, makes you feel good.

Recently I had a discussion with someone about focusing on yourself or putting your efforts towards focusing on someone else. The statement was made to me that the first half of one's life was spent focusing on one's self: going to/completing school, finding a soul-mate, career progression. In other words, me, me, me. How can I improve myself. But, then you come to the second half of your life (midlife?). You have, or should have, already accomplished these things for yourself. And be ready to take care of someone else. Whether it be a child, an elderly parent, or someone else, now is the time to give back.

Is this what a midlife crisis is all about? The refusal to accept that it's now time to focus on others? That although you should have gotten everything accomplished for yourself by now, perhaps you haven't?

But I digress...

'Tis the season to get out and do for others. Whether it be physical, mental, or spiritual giving, give what you can to those whose needs are bigger than yours. Give what you are overflowing in.

Unless you try to do something beyond what you have mastered, you will never grow. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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